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Please help us to provide you with exceptional customer service by preparing in the following ways:


  • If your vents or vent screws are painted, there may be a chance that some small chipping may occur on or around the screws. If you would like us to touch-up these areas after cleaning, please have the appropriate paint available for use.

  • Please clear all furniture and fragile items away from vents, stairways and furnace areas to allow easy access.

  • Please allow us access to a utility sink, wash tub or similar basin so that we may clean, registers, filters and returns.

  • If you would like us to change your filter while we're cleaning your duct system, please have an extra filter on hand.

  • Please ask your Achates representative for information on our line of satisfaction-guaranteed electrostatic filters if you would like to order one ahead of service. We will need your filter dimensions prior to service.

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